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Women in Engineering STEM initiative

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Experience It! Women in Engineering STEM initiative.

On Tuesday 22nd of February, 12 Turramurra High girls from years 7 to 10 participated in a girls only STEM event. Consecutively four other high schools across NSW were also participating in this event. Experience It! Was run by Macquarie, UNSW, UoW, USYD, UTS, and WSU universities and co-ordinated by Engineering Australia.

The day started with an enlightening presentation by Prof. Hala Zreiqat AM about the use of 3D printing & nanotechnology in solving difficult medical problems. The day followed with 3 workshops. In the first workshop the girls made a wind generator. In the second workshop the girls combined an electronics board, an Arduino kit and some coding to make a unique small scale lightshow. During this workshop the girls had a visit from experienced lighting engineer Fiona Venn. In the last workshop the girls got a little wet and grubby making water purifiers. The day finished with the five schools joining together via Zoom to compare notes.

The girls worked very well together, demolished a tea cake, had fun with new engineering experiences and got a taste of how well suited women are to the field of engineering.

Next year, 四虎影院 is looking forward to continued participation in this event.

STEM Science, Tech, Engineering and Maths

Students doing an experiment