

Creating future focused learners

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Years 9 and 10

At this stage you might want to help your child set some goals to focus on 鈥 this might help answer some of the 'why' questions you are bound to be getting, and also help with social commitments and part-time jobs.

Year 9

Year 9 is the first year of Stage 5. Start talking with your child about what they might want to do after Year 12. At this age, many often question why they need to learn certain things 鈥 having a goal can help them to focus.

Assessments, homework and study

In Year 9, students will become familiar with more formal assessment processes. Print out our聽聽and check your child is writing down all exam and assessment dates 鈥 keep it on the fridge as a reminder. Your child will also do the external聽聽tests this year.

Encourage your child to read for pleasure, to try different genres and more difficult books. This will build their vocabulary and show them different styles of writing 鈥 helping with their own writing and comprehension.


In Year 9, some students seem to swing from one extreme to another with all the changes going on. Relationships are changing with their peers and their families. They are asserting their independence but often without the good judgement that comes with maturity. The teenage brain is a 鈥榳ork in progress鈥 鈥 the brain structure is changing and teens are flooded with hormones. The habits they learn now, good and bad, will form the basis for later years. This could be a good time to be talking with your teen about alcohol and drugs.

If bullying becomes an issue, always聽contact the school.

罢丑别听聽also provides resources and information for students, teachers, parents and carers.

Year 10

Some students in Year 10 start part-time jobs, many have sporting and social commitments and life can get busy. It鈥檚 important they schedule time to study, as well as do homework and assignments, so they don鈥檛 get behind with their school work.

Assessments, homework and study

In Year 10, students follow a formal assessment program. Make sure your child writes all assessment task dates on the聽聽 for each term and stick it on the fridge as a reminder. Late assessment tasks usually mean penalties such as reduced marks, so keep an eye on upcoming tasks 鈥 especially those that require a lot of preparation. Adding tasks to their smartphone calendar with alarms to remind them before each is due will also help keep them on track.

Eligible students receive their聽聽if they leave school at the end of Year 10 to work or complete other study.

Planning for the future

This year, your child will choose subjects for Years 11 and 12. Start talking about this early 鈥 with them, the careers adviser and their teachers. Students planning to get their HSC will have opportunities to sit the聽聽from Year 10 onwards.

Vocational education and training (VET), including school-based apprenticeships and traineeships, is a great option for students who think they may wish to pursue a trade after school. Not only can they get a taste of a career, they can finish high school with a qualification and an ATAR, if eligible subjects are chosen. This leaves their options open and can give them a great head start in getting a job.


It鈥檚 important to keep talking openly with your child about alcohol and drugs as they get older. Also, keep a track of social media use. Learn more about staying safe online from the Office of the eSafety Commissioner 鈥撀.

If bullying becomes an issue, always聽contact the school.

罢丑别听聽also provides resources and information for students, teachers, parents and carers.